It has been such a pleasure introducing you to some of the amazing women who inspire me through their creativity, artistry, and passion. Gina Breedlove is one of those souls that I have had the privilege to meet. Her gentle spirit and quiet confidence radiates through her music and sound healing. Her inner strength and power of community is the embodiment of self-love, positive image, and confidence. Gina is an inspiration and an amazing role model and I am thrilled to introduce you to her.

Stella Carakasi

Sound is powerful Medicine. Intentional Sound can move blocked energy through the body, creating spaciousness for wellness, clarity & ease. Gina continues to work one on one with clients, and also holds Sound Healing circles with groups and organizations. To learn more about her work with this ancient and deeply effective healing modality, visit:

Gina is currently working on her third album, tours throughout the U.S. and continues to inspire through community and song. Discover her music at:

Name: Gina Breedlove

Profession: Singer, Songwriter, Sound Healer

Age: 51

What do you like about Stella Carakasi clothing?
I love how the designs fit so beautifully on different body types; Tall, short, curvy, slender. The woman wearing Stella Carakasi clothing always looks as if the clothes were designed for her. I particularly love Stella’s vests. If I am getting dressed up for a party or hanging out at the park, I will probably be wearing a Stella Carakasi vest.

How do you feel wearing Stella Carakasi designs?
I am constantly on the road for my work, I tour the world with my music and healing artistry. I feel quite stylish moving through the world in Stella Carakasi designs, and comfortable too, as I run to catch that connecting flight. Some days I have meetings in the morning, a recording session in the afternoon, and a sound Healing Circle in the evening. I can always find the perfect Stella Carakasi outfit to take me through my day. What I appreciate most is Stella Carakasi’s mission statement. I do feel when I am wearing her clothes, that she understands a woman’s body. I’d say that 70% of my closet comes from Stella Carakasi.

Do you have a favorite story, a compliment you have received wearing Stella’s designs or an observation that you can share?
I flew down to Los Angeles for an audition a few months ago just for the day. I left the Bay Area at 10am, and got home at 10pm that night. I wore my Favorite Stella Carakasi dress and one of her beautiful coats. When I got home I noticed that my outfit looked as fresh as when I left for the airport that morning. Throughout the day I had several women ask me where I had purchased my coat. That generally happens when I wear Stella’s clothes.

This season we bring forward the women behind the label, including you...we want to hear how you wear your Stella Carakasi. Join us on social media and add the following hashtag to your posts and photos:


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